Advice for Teams

How to Make The Most of Holiday Parties And Networking Events (Parts I, II & III)

It’s the holiday season, which means it’s holiday PARTY season. Are you looking forward to connecting with people outside office life? Be honest: Does some part of you wish you could skip the small talk, avoid awkward conversations, and *actually* connect with a couple people you’ve been meaning to spark a deeper relationship with? If…


What to do when people tune out or look skeptical when you’re talking to them

Earlier this week, I was asked a VERY important (and common!) question: “What do you do when you’re talking to people and it seems like they’re tuning out or just not picking up what you’re putting down?” Have you ever experienced this? Or wondered what to do about it? If so, you’re not alone (I’m…


Want To Make Your Message More Inspiring? Use This Simple Technique.

Have you ever struggled to phrase things in a way that really inspires people? Be it your colleagues, potential customers, or an audience eager to learn from you? While there’s no one-size-fits-all method for putting together an inspirational message, there is some compelling science behind the kind of language that motivates people to act. In…


How to manage conversational expectations (and not ruin someone’s day!)

My mother-in-law does this hilarious and very HER thing whenever she hosts a big meal at her house.  She’ll make an amazing spread with enough food to feed the whole town, and she’ll put everything out on the table in the kitchen. Before she invites you to grab your plate and “go enjoy the buffet,”…


3 Ways to Signal “You Belong” At Work.

“I just wish people felt more comfortable and connected here. I know if they did, they’d be more productive and perform at a higher level.”  This is what the Director of Organizational Development at a fast-growing tech start-up said to me the other week. And she isn’t our first client to say something like this…


The smart thing to do when you feel stupid – and how to get help that’s actually helpful!

This week, I’ve been feeling particularly uneasy. On Monday I woke up feeling amazing, like I could do anything. But by the end of the day on Tuesday, I felt like a total fraud. So I called one of my best friends to check in. “Stein, I feel like I’m all over the place. One…