Speaking Tips

How to Exude Authentic Confidence and Convey Your Expertise When It Matters Most

Do you ever get frustrated when you find yourself not speaking up in meetings or missing opportunities due to fear of not saying the “right thing” in the “right way”? Trust me—you’re not alone, my friend!  I hear this from students and clients all. the. time. Even when you know you’re capable, smart, and full…


How to Stop Rambling – Fewer Words, More Impact!

Whether you’re in a job interview or pitching a strategy to a new client, try giving them your BLUF. How to give your BLUF so your message is clear, engaging, and to-the-point:  The bottom line? 😉 👉 When I say BLUF, I mean Bottom Line Up Front. Cut to the chase, THEN contextualize. As human beings,…


Oh Baby! Hello From The Other Side…

Some goodies to tie you over while I’m out on maternity leave Guess what? On October 14th, my husband, daughter and I took the journey of a lifetime and I officially became a mama! It is with immense gratitude and a renewed sense of humility that I introduce you to our little one… Sage Liat.…


How to Leverage Your Authentic Communication Style

Have you ever wanted to improve your communication skills and day-to-day speaking confidence, but the advice you found online or in self-help books just… didn’t cut it? Maybe it was too generic, or it seemed written for someone with traits and concerns completely different from yours? Trust me, I get it—with such a wide range…


How to craft a killer professional introduction (Part II)— stitching your story together and WOWing your audience

Welcome to Part II of How to Craft a Killer Professional Introduction. In Part I, we covered how to expand and contract your professional introduction based on four key journaling prompts. >> If you missed it, CLICK HERE to check it out. You’ll learn step-by-step tricks for expanding and contracting your professional introduction to fit…


How to craft a killer professional introduction (Part I)—whether you’ve got 30 seconds or 2 minutes

Real Talk: How often have you been asked in an interview or some sort of networking situation: “What do you do?” Or “Tell me about yourself…” (A million times, right?) And how often have you responded with something like: “Hi, my name’s ____, I work at [company] as [role]…” Now, I’m not suggesting there’s anything…