Speaking Tips

How to Genuinely Inspire & Motivate Others Using One Simple Phrasing Technique

Before we jump in, quick poll for ya: which of the following statements makes you feel more excited to keep reading? A. After reading this post, you’ll know how to genuinely inspire people and motivate them to act! B. If you don’t read this post, you’ll never be able to inspire or motivate others.  I…


How to prevent vocal fatigue or hoarseness when you’re on back to back calls

Working remotely certainly has its benefits—anyone else still living in their stretchy pants (with the occasional “work top” thrown over a sports bra), or is that just me? That being said, back-to-back virtual calls can be FATIGUING. One of the most common struggles I’ve been hearing from clients lately is that their voices feel  more…


Presence Under Pressure Special Edition: The quickest way to evaluate your speaking skills (on Zoom or in-person!)

“I hate watching or listening to myself speak” “It’s painful to watch myself on video” “I feel like I don’t recognize the sound of my own voice!” I know what you’re thinking… “Yep. Same. The absolute LAST thing I wanna do right now is watch myself on video. I already have to watch myself dangling…


How to speak more succinctly and let your expertise shine

Do you sometimes repeat yourself when you speak?  Maybe you’re: ➡️ Not sure if your point just landed… ➡️ Or it’s hard to gauge your listener’s reaction… Do you find yourself saying the same thing a few times, a few different ways, until you get some sort of  “got it” signal (like a head nod…


The best (and worst) place to look during video calls

Let’s face it: looking directly into the camera when you’re speaking on video calls is AWKWARD and UNNATURAL. If you find yourself wondering where to look, especially when there are multiple people on the screen, you’re not alone and today’s blog post is for YOU.  One of the most frequent questions I get, especially while…


What to do when you lose your train of thought – and how to get back on track!

You’re making a point, zeroing in on exactly what you want to say and then…. A flat line.  Mental radio silence. You completely lose your train of thought. You feel your eyes dart around the video call, or worse, video INTERVIEW, and you get that terrible “I look like an idiot” feeling. But guess what? …