
How to Exude Authentic Confidence and Convey Your Expertise When It Matters Most

Do you ever get frustrated when you find yourself not speaking up in meetings or missing opportunities due to fear of not saying the “right thing” in the “right way”? Trust me—you’re not alone, my friend!  I hear this from students and clients all. the. time. Even when you know you’re capable, smart, and full…


How to Stop Rambling – Fewer Words, More Impact!

Whether you’re in a job interview or pitching a strategy to a new client, try giving them your BLUF. How to give your BLUF so your message is clear, engaging, and to-the-point:  The bottom line? 😉 👉 When I say BLUF, I mean Bottom Line Up Front. Cut to the chase, THEN contextualize. As human beings,…


5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before 2023

Before we jump into today’s blog post, make sure to download the FREE companion worksheet, 2022: Reflect & Reset. It’ll take you through each step of today’s year in review, and help you reflect on all you’ve learned, and all the ways you’ve stretched and adapted since 2021. So grab your free copy & a…


From Battling A Critical Inner Voice To Getting Her Message Across with Authentic Confidence: A Presence Under Pressure Case Study

Despite leading her own team and working as a successful engineer in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical space for 17 years, Valerie (one of our amazing Presence Under Pressure grads) was struggling to redirect some of the energy she poured into her day-to-day deliverables toward her own personal and professional development.  As the pandemic started, she…


From Lacking Confidence in Her Leadership Presence to Channeling Calm Confidence in Off-The-Cuff Meetings

Imagine that you’re suddenly in a meeting you had no time to prepare for.  Do you feel an underlying “uh-oh” at the thought of having to formulate your thoughts and communicate your message clearly on the fly? You’re not alone! Hannah, Employment Counsel at a tech company (and one of our amazing Presence Under Pressure…


From Feeling Uncomfortable In The Spotlight To Powering Up Her Own, Unique Communication Style: A Presence Under Pressure Case Study

Think about the last time you watched a person you respect deliver a presentation or give their two cents in a meeting. Did you feel…  👉 inspired?👉 trusting?👉 engaged? A person with strong, intentional communication skills can make anyone feel seen, understood, and motivated to take action. Now when you picture yourself giving a talk…